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User Provided Content Guidelines

User Provided Content Guidelines

(Last updated on October 22, 2019),,
(collectively “Websites”)


Restaurant Passion, Inc. welcomes your contributions to our Websites.  Website users can contribute reviews and photos for website publication. You may submit comments in connection with the restaurant user content available on the Website and/or upload photos. All User provided content is subject to the User Terms and Conditions on this website in addition to the User Provided Content Guidelines.

Written Content Submission Guidelines - Reviews

Unsuitable Content:

Vulgarities, harassment, profanity, hateful comments, and demeaning comments are not permitted. Comments on an individual’s appearance, identifying information, age, race, sex, religion are not permitted.

You may not impersonate any other person through the Website. You may not post content that is defamatory, fraudulent, obscene, threatening, invasive of another person's privacy rights or that is otherwise unlawful. You may not post content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity. You may not post any content that includes any computer virus or other code designed to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any computer software or hardware.

Conflicts of Interest:

You are not permitted to submit reviews about a restaurant you own, you are employed by, do business with, owned by your friends, owned by your relatives, owned by your associates, or owned by competitors. 


Your review should be as honest and objective as possible. Your review should be unsolicited. Your review should not be promotional material or have a promotional purpose. There should be no agenda other than sharing your experience for the benefit others.


Helpful - Relevant:

Please make your review a helpful overview of your experience for the benefit of others. Complaining about topics not associated or relevant to your restaurant experience is not permitted.

Original Content:

Write you own original review.  Do not use a review or make a derivative of a review written by someone else. It could get you in trouble…


Photo Content Submission Guidelines


Photos submitted must be of good quality.  If the photo quality is not an accurate reflection of the subject it is not permitted.


Photos of an establishment and dishes are acceptable.  Recognizable photos of people are not permitted.

Original Content:

Take your own photos.  Do not use photos or make a derivative of a photo taken by someone else. It could get you in trouble…

Photo & Content Irrevocable License

By uploading any photos, posting any comments or otherwise making available any information to Restaurant Passion, Inc., you grant Restaurant Passion, Inc. the unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual right to use, reproduce, adapt,  publish copy, distribute, store, transmit, reformat, display or distribute the information contained therein for commercial purposes as desired by us, but for the limited purpose of operating the Websites.


(Last updated on October 22, 2019)